
Showing posts from June, 2020

how to protect your website content?

Protecting contents of your website: What you are creating or writing can easily be copied from the website. Just by left click and drag anyone can copy but here is a process through which you can actually protect your data from being copied or stolen from your website. Now  just copy the code given below and paste that in your page code. If you are using blogger then just before the tag <br> paste the below code. And your website page will be protected from being copied. And if you want to paste anywhere else then use the code in the body section to protect the whole body of the page.  I have made this page copy right free so that you can simply copy the code. <body onmousedown = 'return false' onselectstart = 'return false'> </body>

How to create a blogger account

Steps To create a blog  First create a blog using your own gmail account. You can also create another email id and then sign in into blogger account. Your email id and password will be same as that of the blogger's account. Create your blog Sign in into your gmail account choose a suitable title and type choose a unique address if it is already present the you will find this message in red Finally if it is unique then : will show available set up your profile name You are ready with your blog

Basic Html Tags

Basic Html Tags Paragraph Tags Tag: <p> </p> (Has a closing tag) </> means closed. What it Does: Puts 2 breaks between lines of text. Attributes:   Align=left, right, center   Code Example: 1.     <p align=left> This is a paragraph tag </p> 2.     <p align=right > This is a paragraph tag </p> 3.     <p align=center > This is a paragraph tag </p>     What it looks like:   1. This is a paragraph tag. 2. This is a paragraph tag.   Break Tags 3. This is a paragraph tag.   Tag: <br> (Has no closing tag)   What it Does: Puts a one line break between text. Code Example:   This is a break tag. <br> This is another break tag. What it looks like:   This is a break tag. This is another break tag. Bold Tags Tag: <b></b> ( Has closing tag) </> means close...

Quiz Grammar

Quiz 1 (BASIC) [Area covered: Verb to be: am/is/are,  Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her,  Subject Pronouns - Plural nouns & Numbers]

Dictionary of HTML

Dictionary of HTML tags (A to Z) A <A>...</A> Often called anchor tags. Links can be created using the <A>...</A> tags. Attributes HREF="..." where location is the path and filename to the linked file or image or specifies the email address prefaced with mailto:     NAME="..." each anchor tag can be given a name - this allows you to link directly to sections where a named anchor occurs. A # (hash) symbol is used before the name in the HREF attribute when linking. B   <B>...</B> Bold Text <BIG>...</BIG> Large Text <BODY>...</BODY> This is the second section of an HTML page - defines the body information, i.e. the content of an HTML page. There can only be one BODY tag, it must follow the HEAD tags.     BGCOLOR="..." - sets the background colour using either the colour name or the hex number     BACKGROUND="..." - specifies the URL of the background image to be tiled     TEXT="......